First off, the ol' storyboard image which technically came first in the development cycle, intended as the final shot where the full scale [and error] of Nancy's surgery is made apparent to the couple and poor Mrs. Wright gets it full on in the face.

Following on from this is the aesthetic mock-up which was finalised in January for the animatic hand-in. Things are a little more vague this time in terms of exactly what is happening/what is going to happen. It was at this point I began to re-consider the final shot, especially as the professional voice-work and score began to roll in and put a slightly different spin on the narrative.
In the final version, I had firmly decided to use this shot as a means to build tension and place more focus afterwards on the horror of the situation - firstly, on the act committed on Dr. Wright's manhood, and then on both his and Mrs. Wright's face after the squirting has taken place.
Another day, another few nuggets of info for the eager. The first bit of 'merchandise' [in the form of a theatrical poster for Southampton Harbour Lights] was sent off to the printers today and I will reveal the artwork on this space soon after Wednesday.
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