
Lusts... Of the Logo

As a little break from animation, I decided to harness the residual creative juices flowing through the channels and had a bash at a proper logo for Natal Attraction that could ultimately be used in the film itself and for any additional paraphernalia I choose to produce post-production. It's early days for the logo and it's merely a rough mock-up but I've aimed to include what would be the key aspects that make the design unique to the film.

The colour scheme is a mix of deep red [duh] and pale blue [not-so-duh] whilst the Wright-styled embryo is indeed white [my eyedropper tool reads F's all the way up the ya-ya!]. The colour scheme is simple really - the red represents Nancy's dress and the pale blue is Wright's shirt. It's rather subtle however so I may look to something a little more obvious - possibly the tan colour of his jacket or the dark green of his eyes. Further to this, something of an accidental discovery is the 't' in 'natal' made to look like a first aid cross which of course links to the whole surgery/surgeon thing.
Mmm, graphics... More on this one soon with any luck in the animation department.