
Mrs. Wright... Revealed

First off, in my best pigeon French for no particular reason - bon annay, sivooplay. Moving on, some insightful scans of Dr. Wright's long suffering other half in sketch-o-rama.

Mrs. Wright is in her mid-late forties, and showing all the usual signs of middle age - a bit of weight around the mid-riff area, growing behind, facial sagging and a dated hairstyle - a visit from Gok Wan wouldn't go amiss. However, it has been imperative that she holds the potential to look quite attractive, if not a tad sexy [final scene considered] so hopefully, I haven't drawn her here in her everyday-form to look completely repellent.

Beneath the thick wooly polo-neck, she's simply a warm-hearted and trusting individual who doesn't wish to impose herself on her husband and is sadly quite oblivious to what he's been up to behind the scenes. It's a shame she has the news delivered to her in such a gruesome manner.

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