It wasn't too painful to pull off, but alas, that was only one image. I attempted some processes and then set to work on a test animation, all created within Flash [no paper used - green, man!] and then composited it with a freshly Photoshopped layout in After Effects. The result is a somewhat literal portrayal of Dr. Wright's favourite night time activity - chasing skirt.
Ah, the old carrot on a stick jig, only this time with 294.5% more backside. Though it did take the best part of a day to fully complete, I'm largely satisfied with the results as it abides fairly closely to the original proposal. I believe this will be a workable aesthetic for use in production of the film.
Really slick man, looks great. Plus your dutiful concern for the environment is admirable. Also that butt would make Sir Mix Alot proud.
splendid indeed mr fry, a really nice aesthetic.
it looks wicked ..
i read that you're not usually a flash man, frylark, so not sure how you're intending to render from flash. 'publishing' to quicktime in flash is a left-over function from flash 5 and its not very reliable. i'm having to publish every frame of an animated section of mine right now and its a real pain. CTRL+SHIFT+F12 then 24xTab then change each file name by hand. you probably already know all that nerd-blurb but thought i'd chip in.
animation looks sweet though, the no-lines look gives it a great retro style.
You can render an image sequence from Flash, just choose export>movie then pick an image format. I've used png to pretty good success so far, but choose your poison as you wish.
T.H, is this what you were trying to do? Or is it something different that I've missed. If it is, I think you will love flash all over again! It's image output is stable.
Sorry, got sidetracked. Nice look T. Fry! Did you draw it all straight out with the paintbrush? And are you working on seperate layers and moving things about if needed, or re-drawing every frame? Be a purist!
Nice work though.
Just gonna echo what Adam said there Mr. H, it's exactly what I'm doing. It's purely animation in Flash, all the other stuff from layout arrangement to compositing is After Effects. It's just easier that way... and there's more scope for what you can do.
Adam, fear not for I am taking the traditional route with this one. It's frame-by-frame painting for me, the purist's way!
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